Hey everyone! Danielle here from DB Freedom and today we’re going to continue our Step by Step Guide for on-boarding new employees.
Last time we covered the all-important 4 Cs. If you don’t know what I’m talking about – I recommend you go back and Watch Business Dragon Slaying Session 1 to learn all about the 4 C’s and then come back here for your second session.
If you’ve already watched session one and are ready to move on to the next step of the process – GREAT! Let’s go ahead get started!
Stephen Bruce, PhD has gathered some very interested data and compiled them into infographic charts on the HR Advisor Blog that outline the importance of on-boarding success.
He states 45% of HR estimates that over $10,000 a year is wasted on ineffective on-boarding. I bet you find that number surprising.
10,000 a year is wasted on ineffective on-boarding.
So, how can you change your on-boarding processes to be more helpful to new hires?
In the research conducted by Dr. Bruce almost 52% of employees desired receiving organized, relevant and well-timed content.
You’ve already covered a lot of ground getting your new employee settled in, but the 4 C’s cover a ton of material. How are you going to make sure you don’t skip any steps or overlook any details in the process?
This can become especially problematic if it is several weeks or months in between welcoming new employees to your team. It is not reasonable to expect yourself or your on-boarding point person (in most cases an HR or Office Manager) to remember every important step to take.
In order to improve success in getting your new employees oriented and to ensure consistency I highly recommend the use of Checklists in the on-boarding process!
Checklists are very simple – very effective tools in your arsenal and can be employed in a wide array of situations. On-boarding is one area where I think they’re critical.
There are a ton of great templates available online to get you started and there are even several resources that provide automatic checklists that allows you to insert rich content such as images. Your team can chat around checklists and access from anywhere, any time.
It doesn’t really matter how simply or advanced you take this concept it is only important that you get your checklist in place as soon as possible to help your new get engaged and be more productive right away.
Okay everyone! That’s it for now. I’ll have for more tips for you in my next video.
In the meantime remember to check out my website www.DBFreedom.com
And as always feel free to get in touch with me directly to find solutions to Slay your Business Dragons so you can Declare Business Freedom as soon as possible!
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